January 20, 2012

Valentines Day Toppers

First let me say.... HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know the month is half over but things have been so hectic that I haven't had the chance to wish it sooner, or even do a real blog post for that matter... I  had a little set back with the blog when I accidentally erased all my photos (don't worry, things like this is a common Julie mishap)  (:  Other than that 2012 is off to a great start  and I have an announcement.
I've been secretly working hard these last few month on opening my own Etsy Shop in which I will be selling cupcake toppers!! I am really excited about this new adventure! The shop will be up and running hopefully by this weekend, but in the meantime I will let you see a sneak peek of the Valentines Day Toppers that I will be selling. And you can order them now! Just send me an email for more info.

These photos are just amazing, and I owe it all to Annie of Annie Marie Photography.
Thank you for sharing your talents!

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